Està a punt d’arribar la nostra festa preferida, queden 4 dies per Halloween, on les tradicions en anglès surten a la llum en forma d’ensurts i els més valents surten al carrer a la recerca de caramels no sense abans vestir-se per a l’ocasió, ja que lo propi en aquesta festa és triar un look més aviat terrorífic. Ja tens el teu?
Ja saps en què consisteix aquesta monstruosa festa, però coneixes la història de Halloween? Per què se celebra i d’on sorgeix? Abans de començar anem a aprendre vocabulari i expressions relacionades amb Halloween, perquè triomfis en la nit més tenebrosa de l’any:
- Spooky – esgarrifós, que fa por
- Witch – bruixa
- Wizard – mag, bruixot
- Haunted house – casa encantada
- Lantern – llanterna, fanal
- Pumpkin – carbassa
- Jack -o’- Lantern – llum de carbassa
- Dress up – disfressar-se
- Trick or treat – tradició de Halloween on els nens demanen dolços
- Candy – caramel, dolç
Descarrega’t el pòster gratuït que hem preparat amb vocabulari relacionat amb Halloween!
Història de Halloween:
Halloween is both spooky and fun. It’s spooky because there are witches and wizards about, and it’s fun because you can decorate your house, watch creepy movies, read or tell spooky stories, have Halloween parties and walk through haunted houses.
Do you know about this spooky day?
The history of Halloween is not very clear. Here’s how we think it started…
2,000 years ago, people called the Celts lived in what is now Ireland, the UK, and parts of France. They believed that on October 31st the living and the dead came together. They had a festival and they called it Samhain which means ‘the end of the summer’.
In the 8th Century, the Catholic Church established All Hallows’ Day to honour saints on November 1st. Some old Celtic traditions survived and Samhain became known as All Hallows Eve (the night before). Later the name was changed to Halloween.
The tradition of Halloween was carried to America by the immigrating Europeans. Some of the traditions changed a little. On Halloween in Ireland, people carried lanterns made from turnips. In America, pumpkins were more common. People put candles inside them and used them as lanterns. That is why you see Jack -o’- Lanterns today. The name Jack -o’- Lantern comes from an old Irish story about a man named Stingy Jack.
Halloween is a fun day for children. Children dress up in costumes like people did a thousand years ago. But now they go from house to house. They knock on doors and say “trick or treat.” The owner of each house gives candy or something special.
Do you celebrate Halloween?