Les trucades telefòniques en anglès solen ser un repte per a aquells que estan estudiant l’idioma, ja que una cosa es tindre una conversa en anglès cara a cara, ajudant-te del llenguatge corporal del teu interlocutor per poder posar en context el que ens està explicant i l’altra és fer-ho per telèfon.
En un ambient professional és molt habitual que haguem de comunicar-nos en anglès via telefònica. Ja sigui una entrevista, una negociació comercial o qualsevol altre tipus de conversa en anglès és important que el missatge que obtenim i el que fem arribar sigui clar, concís i rigorós, professionalment parlant.
A continuació, hem fet una selecció de frases i expressions que et seran molt útils a l’hora de mantenir una conversa en anglès per telèfon, especialment en el teu entorn professional:
Starting telephone conversations – Iniciar converses telefòniques
- “Hello/ Good morning/ Good afternoon, may I speak to …, please?”
- “Hello, this is …”
- “… This is John speaking / Speaking.”
- “May I ask who’s calling, please?”
Making sure it’s a good time – Assegurar-se que és un bon moment
- “Is this a good time?”
- “Are you free to talk?”
- “Is this a bad time? Sorry to phone so late.”
- “I can’t talk right now. Could you possibly phone back in about 10 minutes?”
- “Can I call you back in twenty minutes?”
Establishing the purpose of your call – Establir el propòsit de la trucada
- “Could I talk to someone about booking a room, please?”
- “I’m calling/ phoning about/ to…”
- “Just a quick call to say…”
- “I know you are busy. The purpose of my call is to talk about…”
- “I was given your number by…”
- “I had a message that I should call you / I’m returning your call.”
- “Someone phoned me from this number (so I’m calling back).”
When someone isn’t available – Quan algú no està disponible
- “I’m sorry but he/ she isn’t answering his/ her phone right now…”
- “Would you like to leave a message?”
- “No problem, I’ll give him the message.”
- “When do you think she’ll be able to get back to me?”
- “Don’t worry. I’ll call him back later.”
- “Can you hold briefly while I see if Mr. Jones is available?”
- “I’ll be available tomorrow morning. Maybe around 10?
What to say when you are looking for something –
Què dir quan estàs buscant alguna cosa
- “Please bear with me while I look for the file.”
- “Could you hold on/hang on for a second while I check, please?”
[hold on is more formal and is generally used in more official phone conversations. Hang on is used informally, usually with someone you already know.]
Checking spelling and facts – Comprovació de l’ortografia i els fets
- “Would you like me to spell that for you?”
- “How do you spell…?”
- “I’ll spell that for you/ It’s spelt…”
- “Would you like to read that back? / Would you like me to repeat…?”
- “Can I (double) check, please? / Just to (double) check…”
- “Could you repeat the first part/ middle part/ last part/ whole thing/ from…/…?”
Si estàs buscant una formació especialitzada en augmentar el teu nivell d’idiomes en el teu entorn professional, no dubtis en consultar el nostre curs d’anglès per a empreses, una forma fàcil per incrementar el teu creixement professional en idiomes.