“Don’t give up” és l’expressió en anglès que et defineix? Si és així, segurament ets una persona positiva i que no es dóna per vençuda. Per això, portar una vida sana és un plus d’energia perfecte per no rendir-te mai.
Arriba el bon temps i amb això la tan desitjada i alhora odiada “operació biquini”: és el moment de posar-se en forma. Encara que mantenir una vida sana hauria de ser una cosa present en les nostres vides sempre.
A continuació, hem triat expressions en anglès perquè redactis els teus “healthy tips” i el més important de tot… els compleixis!
10 phrasal verbs i expressions relacionats amb healthy living
- Burn off
Meaning: to use up energy by doing physical activity.
Example: It takes a 90-minute game of football to burn off the calories in a typical pizza.
- Cut down on
Meaning: to reduce an amount of something.
Example: Try cutting down on salt; too much can raise your blood pressure.
- Go on a diet
Meaning: trying to lose weight by eating less or specific foods.
Example: Going on a diet implies changes in everyday habits, not only eating but also spending more time to do physical exercise.
- Give up
Meaning: to stop doing something that you do regularly.
Example: Give up foods that are high in sugar, fat or sodium and replace them with healthy options.
- Limber up
Meaning: exercise your muscles before doing physical activity.
Example: To prepare for taking part in a sport, make sure you limber up and really make your muscles stretch.
- Put on weight
Meaning: to get fat.
Example: People tend to put on weight when they get older because they become less active.
- Skip (something)
Meaning: to avoid doing or having something.
Example: Studies show that people who skip breakfast tend to smoke more, drink more alcohol and exercise less.
- Take up
Meaning: to start something new.
Example: You should take up tai chi if you want to improve your strength and balance.
- Tone up
Meaning: to make the muscles in a part of your body stronger.
Example: You need to engage in strength training and lose the layer of fat covering your muscles to tone up your body.
- Work out
Meaning: to do physical exercise as a way of keeping fit.
Example: Brisk walking for half an hour every day is one of the easiest ways to work out for your health.
Amb ganes i esforç és possible aconseguir pràcticament tot, així que si el teu objectiu és millorar el teu nivell d’anglès no dubtis en posar-te en contacte amb nosaltres!