Parlar en anglès amb precaució et pot anar molt bé en certes ocasions per protegir les teves afirmacions. Aquestes expressions en anglès les pots utilitzar per suavitzar l’impacte del que estàs dient.
Ets una persona directa? Moltes vegades parlem sense pensar dues vegades el que estem dient. Si et passa més del compte, ha arribat l’hora de que aprenguis a mesurar les teves paraules… Para atenció ja que, a continuació, et deixem algunes formes de suavitzar el que estàs dient.
Aquí tens uns exemples.
Llenguatge evasiu
- All I know is that smoking is harmful to your health.
- It’s sort of difficult to say.
- It’s kind of important that you come now.
- Would you just post this letter for me?
- I’m not an expert but you might want to try restarting your computer. (clause)
- That’s not necessarily the case, it depends on…
- The party was somewhat spoiled by the rain.
- It’s an oversimplification, but most people have a least one coffee a day.
- I know it’s a bit of a stereotype, but people speak louder in Spain.
- Just a ballpark figure, but I’d say ten million.
Temps i aspecte
- I was wondering if I could speak to you later?
- Aquest exemple és menys directe i més educat que Could I have a word with you?
Tag question clauses
- That’s false, isn’t it?
Verbs introductoris per a respondre amb evasives
Seem, tend, look like, appear to be, think, reckon, believe, doubt…
- I think it’s a lot less common than that…
- We feel he should let him decide what to do.
- I reckon that’s the best answer to the problem.
Verbs modals per a expressar dubte o possibilitat
Will, must, would, may, might, could
- The answer could be that cactuses have some sort of disease.
Modal adjectives, adverbs and nouns
Certain, definite, clear, probable, possible…
Probably, possibly, perhaps, conceivably…
Assumption, possibility, probability…
- This is possibly his best performance so far.
- Substantial uncertainty still clouds projections of climate change impact.
Structures with it and that in the passive
- It is argued that high impact training can actually damage your health.
- It has been generally agreed that video technology will transform everyday life.
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