Quina és la diferència entre make i do? Quan s’utilitza l’un o l’altre? Avui i sempre volem facilitar-te el teu aprenentatge de l’anglès i que et converteixis en tot un nadiu de l’idioma. Encara que existeixen algunes excepcions, hi ha unes normals generals per a quan utilitzar make i quan do.

Diferència entre make i do

  • DO es centra en el procés d’actuar o realitzar alguna cosa, no produïm cap objecte físic.
  • MAKE emfatitza el producte o resultat d’una acció, per a produir, construir, crear o construir una cosa nova.

DO en general es refereix a l’acció en si mateixa i MAKE es refereix al resultat. Per exemple:

  • I said I was going [outcome] to make a cake, but I’ll do it later [ action].
  • When I do [action] my homework, I sometimes make silly mistakes (outcome)
  • I [action] did some research on the project; I [outcome] made a collage with photos and texts.

Colocacions comuns amb DO


Do the housework When I get back from work, I am usually too tired to do the housework.
Do the laundry I would like to have my laundry done by Wednesday.
Do the dishes We need to do (or wash) the dishes before we clean the ovens.
Do the shopping I did the shopping for the week online.
Make the bed
Make the beds so the look inviting


Do work We have to do some work on the left wing of the hotel.
Do business We do business with clients in fifteen countries
Do a good/great/terrible job She did a good job organizing the conference.
Do a course  We’re doing a course on Food Hygiene.
Do research Guests can do exercise in the gym or on the outdoor circuit.
Do your hair/nails (= style your hair) We can organize a hairdresser to do your hair on the day.
Do a report Write a report or write up a report
Can you write up a report this afternoon?

Colocacions comuns amb MAKE


Make breakfast/lunch/dinner We’re making lunch – it’ll be ready in about ten minutes.
Make a sandwich/packed lunch Could you make me a packed lunch for our picnic?
Make a salad I made a salad for the family picnic.
Make a cup of tea Would you like me to make you a cup of tea?


Make a reservation/booking I’ve made a reservation for 7:30 at our favorite restaurant.
Make plans We’re already making plans to return next year.
Make arrangements Let’s make an arrangement with them for this evening
Make a prediction It’s difficult to make any predictions about the weather.


Make a payment We’d like to make a payment today.
Make a phone call Please excuse me – I need to make a phone call.
Make a complaint We made a complaint with our internet provider, but we still haven’t heard back from them.


Make a suggestion Can I make a suggestion? I think you should go on the wine tour. It’s excellent.
Make a noise Don’t make so much noise!
Make a speech He’s making a speech at the wedding.


Make sure (= confirm) Can you make sure we have booked the junior suite, please?
make a difference Getting eight hours of sleep makes a big difference in my day.
make an exception I’m afraid we can’t make any exceptions.
make a mistake You made a few mistakes in the final bill – the correct total is 5330€, not 4230€
Don’t say “make a question.” The correct phrase is “ask a question.”
Mom, can I ask you a question?


Don’t say “make a question.” The correct phrase is “ask a question.” Can I ask you a question?

Esperem que ara entenguis la diferència entre make i do i, sobretot, que puguis posar-la en pràctica! No deixis de visitar la nostra secció d’aprendre anglès al nostre blog per a que cada dia siguis més expert en l’idioma.