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Sens més, entrem ja en matèria amb els Reporting Verbs!
Al nostre article sobre els Reported Speech, parlem sobre com canvia el Direct Speech (“I like dogs”) en aplicar-li el Reported Speech (“He said he liked dogs”), fent servir el verb “say”, “tell” i “ask”. Aquests verbs (i molts més) són els Reporting Verbs.
Com acabem de dir, també podem fer sevir altres verbs que “reportin” el que algú ha dit, com promise, warn, advice i recommend. Aquests poden fer que les teves frases, tant quan parlem com quan escribim, sonin més interessants i elaborades que simplement reproduïnt el que aquella persona va dir. A més, també és una forma més eficient.
Una frase en Direct Speech:
“I’m sure that everything will be alright in the end”
Passem-la al Reported Speech:
Amb “say”, hauríem de dir més paraules:
He said that he was sure that everything would be alright.
Si utilitzem un REPORTING VERB ens assegurarem de poder fer les frases més curtes i clares:
He assured me that everything would be alright.
Cada verb segueix un d’aquests patrons per formular la frase:
- I explained (that) I had been at the bank all this time.
- The airline reassured me that this had never happened before.
- She agreed to go to the party.
- She reminded him to come to our house at the weekend.
- She suggested having the party at Peter’s place.
Repassem alguns dels REPORTING VERBS que pots utilitzar i uns exemples:
*NO CONFONDRE Advise (verb) amb Advice (sustantiu).
- Advise + someone + to + infinitive
She advised him to see a doctor.
- Advise + (that) + clause
The staff advise that you carry water at all times.
- Advise + against + verb-ing
I’d advise against leaving early. (Desaconsellar)
- Agree + to + infinitive
We agreed to catch up at the weekend.
- Agree + (that) + clause
She agreed that we could leave earlier today.
- Apologise + (to + someone) + for + verb-ing
They apologised to the staff for not telling them about the closure.
She apologised for arriving late.
- Apologise (+ to + someone) + for + noun
The hotel manager apologised for the delay.
- Decide + to + infinitive
We decided to have lunch earlier.
- Decide + (that) + clause
We decided that we would have lunch earlier.
- Encourage + someone + to + infinitive
I encouraged him to start on his online course.
- Explain + (that) + clause
I explained that it wasn’t too late.
- Explain + noun + to + someone
I explained the grammar to him.
NO DIR: I explained him the grammar
- Explain + question word + to + infinitive
I explained how to access the course.
- Explain + question word + clause
We explained why it was important.
- Insist + on + verb-ing
He insisted on coming to the party.
- Insist + (that) + clause
He insisted that he came to our party.
- Promise + to + infinitive
He promised to work harder.
- Promise + (someone) + (that) + clause
I promised him that I would work harder.
- Recommend + verb-ing
I recommend starting as soon as possible.
- Recommend + (that) + clause
I recommend that you start as soon as possible.
- Remind + someone + to + infinitive
She reminded him to start before it was too late.
- Remind + someone + (that) + clause
She reminded him that it was important to start.
- Suggest + verb-ing
She suggested starting soon.
- Suggest + (that) + clause
She suggested that he started soon.
- Warn + someone + (not) + to + infinitive
I warned him not to go near the dog.
- Warn + someone + about + something
I warned him about the dangerous dog.
Per fer els verbs que hem reportat en negatiu, ens hem de fixar en el verb del Direct Speech:
- Qua hi ha una frase, fem el negatiu de forma normal: “She suggested that we didn’t go to the party.”
- Quan hi ha ‘to + infinitive’, generalment posem ‘not’ abans del ‘to’: “He promised not to go near the dog again.”
- Quan hi ha ‘verb-ing’, generalment posem ‘not’ davant del verb: “I advised not taking the train.”