La paraula en anglès news (notícies) és un substantiu incomptable singular:
“The news is broadcast every night at the same time on major TV stations” i NO “The news are broadcast every night by all major TV stations.”
Tampoc podem dir “a news”:
“I’ve got interesting news to tell you.” i NO “I’ve got an interesting news.”
Si volem parlar de notícies com una cosa individual, podem acompanyar news amb bit of, piece of o item of (més formal). Et deixem uns exemples:
- I heard a couple of interesting pieces of news on the radio the other day.
- A strange item of news caught my eye while I was reading the newspaper.
- I heard a bit of news about what was going on in parliament this morning.
Com aquesta paraula és incomptable no podem dir “many news”. En canvi, utilitzarem “much” o “a lot of / lots of”. Aquí tens uns exemples:
- There wasn’t much news over the weekend.
- I’ve got lots of news to tell you!
Quan diem “The news” estem fent referència al programa de televisió o de ràdio que informe sobre esdeveniments recents.
- I always watch the news on BBC1 before I go to bed.
Volem mencionar dos aspectes:
- Si diem “Jack Smith is in the news right now“, ens estem referint al fet que en l’actualitat s’està parlant d’ell als mitjans.
- Si diem “Jack Smith is on the news right now” vol dir que en aquest precís moment a un programa de televisió o ràdio s’està parlant sobre ell i, fins i tot, parlant amb ell en persona.
Amb la paraula en anglès news podem utilitzar els següents verbs:
Get, have, hear, learn, receive
- Have you heard the latest news?
Catch up on
- I want to catch up on all your news.
Announce, break, bring (sb), give sb, tell sb
- The police had to break the news to the parents.
- She ran from office to office, spreading the news.
- News of the celebrity’s arrest was leaked to the press.
- I’ve got some interesting news to report.
- ‘The Guardian’ carried news of the event.
Gather, get
- The article gathered news from different sources.
Await, expect, wait for
- We are waiting for news on the train crash.
Greet, react to, welcome
- The news was greeted with a huge cry from the crowd.
- The story was huge and made the news headlines the next day.
Esperem que t’hagi resultat interessant i que puguis posar-ho en pràctica al teu curs d’anglès i a la vida real.