Quan el Nadal acaba significa que comencen les rebaixes. Ja sigui per comprar-te alguna cosa que necessitaves o invertir en capritxos, les rebaixes són la millor època per fer les compres tant en els teus comerços preferits com per Internet.
Per a tots aquells “shopaholics” que gaudeixen de les rebaixes de gener gairebé tant com del Nadal, hem fet una selecció d’expressions en anglès que segur que et serviran per aquests dies:
- Avoid the crush
Meaning: keep away from the crowds.
Example: You can avoid the crush by doing your sales shopping online.
- Bargain down / beat down
Meaning: persuade the seller to accept a lower price.
Example: I bargained him down to a price I thought was reasonable.
- Be absolutely heaving
Meaning: with a lot of people moving around.
Example: The department stores are absolutely heaving this year. You can’t get in the door!
- Be geared up to tackle (something)
Meaning: be prepared to confront.
Example: Are you geared up to tackle the sales this year? It’s madness in some shops!
- Be out of stock
Meaning: to be not available to buy anymore.
Example: It was a half-price sale and they were soon out of stock.
- Be under guarantee
Meaning: to be covered by a warranty.
Example: In a sale, take time to check that your items are under guarantee.
- Discount / to bring down
Meaning: sell at a reduced price.
Example: They’ve really brought down their prices. It’s says ‘Reduced to clear’.
- Elbow your way through/to/towards
Meaning: to get somewhere by using your elbows to push through a crowd of people.
Example: I had to elbow my way through the crowds in the big January sales.
- Get into full swing
Meaning: to be at the peak of activity.
Example: As the sales get into full swing, more than half a million people converge on London’s West End.
Aprofita les rebaixes i inverteix en el que vols de debò. Encara busques acadèmia d’anglès a Barcelona? Si és així, encara ets a temps d’iniciar un nou curs segons el teu nivell d’anglès. Descobreix les nostres ofertes i els propers cursos a l’apartat de promocions.
Si tens cap dubte, posa’t en contacte amb nosaltres, estarem encantats d’atendre’t des de qualsevol de les nostres acadèmies d’anglès a Barcelona. Per a més informació sobre els nostres cursos d’anglès truca’ns o envia’ns un correu des del formulari que trobaràs a la dreta.