Cada vegada estem més a prop del dia de Nadal i és que, a tan sols molt poquets dies, ja podem començar a gaudir de les vacances i dels preparatius necessaris perquè aquestes dates siguin especials un any més.
El Nadal està per tot arreu, tant és així que en aquestes dates és pràcticament impossible no sentir-se part de l’esperit nadalenc. Una cosa semblant passa amb els phrasal verbs que també hi són presents en el nadal de parla anglesa i saber utilitzar-los garanteixen un bon nivell d’anglès.
A continuació et deixem una selecció de phrasal verbs que estan relacionats amb el Nadal. Si el teu propòsit per a aquest any és millorar el teu nivell d’anglès, pren nota!
Phrasal verbs útils per aquest Nadal:
- Get into the Christmas spirit
Meaning: enjoy and feel part of an event.
Example: Playing Christmas music and watching classic movies really gets us into the Christmas spirit.
- Hang up your Christmas stocking
Meaning: suspend from a hook.
Example: We hung up our Christmas stockings by the fireplace and they were filled with small gifts on Christmas morning!
- Meet up with friends
Meaning: to come together.
Example: I’m meeting up with some old family friends for lunch on Boxing Day.
- Put up the Christmas tree and decorations
Meaning: to add ornaments to something.
Example: My family always puts up the Christmas tree and decorations on Christmas Eve.
- Serve up the turkey
Meaning: to provide.
Example: Most families around the UK will serve up a succulent roast turkey as the centre piece of their festive meal this Christmas.
- Sing along with/to a song
Meaning: to sing a song with someone who is already singing.
Example: I love singing along to my favourite Christmas carols.
- Snap up a bargain
Meaning: to buy something as soon as it’s available.
Example: By 10 o’clock most of the best sales bargains had been snapped up.
- Take down the Christmas tree and decorations
Meaning: to remove.
Example: Traditionally, people take down their Christmas tree by Twelfth Night.
- Wait up for Father Christmas
Meaning: to not go to sleep until someone arrives.
Example: He waited up all night to see Father Christmas on his sleigh.
- Wrap up presents
Meaning: to cover with paper.
Example: She is an expert at wrapping up presents. The wrapping paper is sometimes as special as the gift.
Millorar el teu nivell d’anglès no sempre és fàcil, però si notes que t’has quedat encallat en un punt fix, t’esperem a Merit School! Ens ajustem a les necessitats de cada alumne, explica’ns el que estàs buscant i ‘ t’ajudarem!