Viure a un país estranger no ens allibera de realitzar operacions bancàries. Saber transmetre i entendre la informació relativa als teus tràmits al banc és bàsic siguis on siguis així com dominar el vocabulari en anglès essencial.
A continuació, hem seleccionat una sèrie de vocabulari en anglès específic per utilitzar al banc, per si has de realitzar transferències, obrir un compte o consultar algun tràmit. Aquestes paraules i expressions t’aniran molt bé:
- Earn interest
Meaning: receive money from keeping your money in an account in a bank.
Example: I got a loan with an interest rate of 10%.
- Make a deposit
Meaning: to pay an amount of money into a bank account.
Example: I would like to make a deposit this check and $100 cash.
- Make out (a cheque to somebody)
Meaning: to write all the necessary information on a document such as a cheque.
Example: When you make out the cheque, remember to sign the back, please.
- Open/set up an account
Meaning: to start having an account at a bank.
Example: I’m not sure if I want to open a savings account or a current account.
- Overdraw
Meaning: draw money from (one’s bank account) in excess of what the account holds.
Example: You only pay interest if your account is overdrawn.
- Pay in instalments / on credit
Meaning: pay for goods or services at a later time, usually paying interest as well as the original money.
Example: They decided to buy the car on credit.
- Pay/put down a deposit
Meaning: To make a first payment when you agree to buy something expensive like a car or a house.
Example: We put down a deposit for the house yesterday.
- Reimburse / refund
Meaning: to pay someone back for money which they have spent.
Example: You will be reimbursed for all your expenses.
- Take out / withdraw
Meaning: to remove money from an account.
Example: I’d like to withdraw £100 from my account, please.
Note: British English = current account / American English = checking account
- Transfer money
Meaning: to move money from one place to another.
Example: I’ve already transferred the money into your account.
Note: Money transfer generally refers to one of the following cashless modes of payment: wire transfer (an internationally expedited bank-to-bank funds transfer), electronic funds transfer( bank card-based payments), Paypal, etc.
Resol tots els teus dubtes sobre com comunicar-te al banc amb la nostra notícia de la setmana passada, on trobaràs la primera part del vocabulari en anglès més útil per anar al banc a un altre país.