Existeixen expressions i connectors en anglès que et serviran per a guiar a la teva audiència a través del contingut de les teves presentacions en anglès. Aquestes paraules són clau al principi i durant tot el recorregut del teu discurs ja que ajuden a l’audiència a saber on estan i el que ve a continuació.
1. Expressions per a introduir, acabar i esbossar arguments principals i mostrar la dirección de la presentació en frases inicials.
Expressions | Examples |
Introduce yourself | “My name’s Jane Shaw. I’m a Change Consultant at X Associates and today I’d like to share my experience on business and digital transformation….” |
Giving a road map | “I’ll start by describing… Then I’ll move on to… After that I’ll consider… Lastly, I’ll quickly recap and recommend the next steps we need to take .” |
Moving on | “So, moving on to my next point…”
“This brings me to…” “Let’s turn now to our business model…” |
Referring back | “In the first part of my talk I mentioned…”
“Going back for a moment to what I said earlier…” “So, getting back to my original point, you can see that…” |
Referring forward | “I’ll be going into this in more detail in a moment…”
“I’ll come back to this later…” |
Recapping | “I’d like to quickly recap the main points…”
“Recapping quickly on what was said before lunch,…” |
Going deeper | “Let me expand on the figures for last year for a moment…” |
Going over the basics | “Just to fill you in on some of the background, …”
“By … I mean …” |
Digressing | “Before going on, I’d just like to say a little about…”
“If I can just digress for a moment…” |
Wrapping up | “So, what do we want to take away from today..”
“OK. So we have a clear call to action here…” “I’d like to conclude by outlining the road map ahead…” |
Concluding | “Finally, I’d like to finish by thanking you all for coming. I hope that the presentation has been interesting/informative.”
“I’d also like to thank [host] for organising this great event.” “Quoting Eric Ries…” “And now, if you have any questions, I’ll be pleased to answer them.” |
2. Paraules connectores per a ajudar a guiar a l’audiència mitjançant la vinculació d’idees.
- To add more ideas: again, furthermore, in addition, moreover
- To compare or contrast ideas: alternatively, contrastingly, conversely, whereas
- To prove something: evidently, for this reason, because, inevitably
- To show exceptions: however, nevertheless, yet, in spite of
- To emphasise something: definitely, obviously, inevitably, undeniably
- To give an example: for instance, in this case, in particular, notably
- To show the order of things: previously, following this, initially, subsequently, finally
Si a més necessites consells en com fer una presentació no et perdis el nostre post.