Qui hagi viscut fora sap perfectament que fer operacions bancàries a l’estranger és un tràmit que pot ser complicat. Sobretot, si no domines molt bé les expressions en anglès relacionades amb el banc.
Si te’n vas a viure una temporada a un altre país, segurament necessitis obrir un compte, rebre un ingrés o cobrar un xec… Necessitaràs conèixer la informació bàsica requerida, especialment si ens trobem a l’estranger, ja que és possible que ens demanin documentació extra, visats o un contracte laboral per dur a terme els tràmits oportuns.
Si alguna vegada t’has trobat amb problemes mentre mantenies una conversa en anglès amb un agent bancari a l’estranger o si necessitaràs ajuda quan tinguis intenció d’anar-hi, para atenció, per que aquestes frases et poden ser molt útils:
- Apply for a loan
Meaning: to make an official request to borrow a fixed amount of money for a fixed term with regular fixed repayments.
Example: I applied for a student loan to study at university.
- Ask for a bank statement
Meaning: ask for a printed record of the money put into and removed from a bank account.
Example: I’d like a statement from my account but I don’t have my card with me.
- Bounce
Meaning: when a cheque cannot be paid or accepted by a bank because of a lack of money in the account:
Example: I had to pay bank charges when my check bounced.
- Cash a check/cheque
Meaning: to exchange a check for cash
Example: Would you cash a check for me?
- Check your balance / check your account status
Meaning: examine the amount of money you have in your bank account
Example: Internet banking services allows you to check your balance, communicate with your bank, pay your bills, etc.
- Clear a cheque
Meaning: to move a cheque from the bank in which it was deposited to the bank on which it was drawn, and the movement of the money in the opposite direction.
Example: How long does it take for a cheque to clear?
Note: British English = cheque / American English = check
- Close / cancel an account
Meaning: to stop having an account at a bank.
Example: I want to report a stolen credit card. I need to cancel my account.
- Deposit (US) / pay in (UK)
Meaning: to put money into a bank account.
Example: If you go to the bank, will you deposit these checks for me?
Si necessites donar-li una empenta al teu anglès parlat, consulta els nostres cursos de conversa que hi ha disponibles a les nostres acadèmies d’anglès de Barcelona. Podràs practicar el teu speaking a classes dinàmiques on utilitzaràs exemples de situacions reals com una conversa en anglès a un banc a l’estranger i molt més.